An overview of unstable homotopy decomposition

时   间:2024年7月4日 14:00-15:00    

地   点:数学楼102报告厅

主讲人:黄瑞芝 研究员(中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院

主持人:孟   晟 青年研究员


Since 1970s unstable homotopy decomposition has been a fundamental subject in homotopy theory. It serves as a basic natural way to understand homotopy properties, for instance various global characterizations of homotopy groups. In this talk, I will give an overview of the development of this topic based on our recent comprehensive book “Unstable Homotopy Decomposition” joint with Stephen Theriault, including various decomposition methods, some major applications and several open problems.


主要研究方向是代数拓扑及其应用,与Fei Han, Kefeng Liu, Weiping Zhang(院士)等有合作,目前发表论著20余篇,多数发表在Adv, TAMS,JLMS等期刊。